Apple universal links

It's often desirable to connect a website and a mobile app so that links on a website launch the mobile app and display content in the mobile app. App linking, which is also known as deep linking, is a technique that enables a mobile device to respond to a URL and launch content in a mobile app that's represented by the URL.

On Apple platforms, deep links are known as universal links. When a user taps on a universal link, the system redirects the link directly to your app without routing through Safari or your website. These links can be based on a custom scheme, such as myappname://, or can use the HTTP or HTTPS scheme. For example, clicking on a link on a recipe website would open a mobile app that's associated with that website, and then display a specific recipe to the user. Users who don't have your app installed are taken to content on your website. This article focuses on universal links that use the HTTPS scheme.

.NET MAUI iOS apps support universal links. This requires hosting a digital assets links JSON file on the domain, which describes the relationship with your app. This enables Apple to verify that the app trying to handle a URL has ownership of the URLs domain to prevent malicious apps from intercepting your app links.

The process for handling Apple universal links in a .NET MAUI iOS or Mac Catalyst app is as follows:

For more information, see Allowing apps and websites to link to your content on For information about defining a custom URL scheme for your app, see Defining a custom URL scheme for your app on

Create and host an associated domains file

To associate a website with your app, you'll need to host an associated domain file on your website. The associated domain file is a JSON file that must be hosted on your domain at the following location:

The following JSON shows the contents of a typical associated domains file:

    "activitycontinuation": {
        "apps": [ "" ]
    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
                "appID": "",
                "paths": [ "*", "/*" ]

The apps and appID keys should specify the app identifiers for the apps that are available for use on the website. The values for these keys are made up of the app identifier prefix and the bundle identifier.


The associated domain file must be hosted using https with a valid certificate and no redirects.

For more information, see Supporting associated domains on

Add the associated domains entitlement to your app

After hosting an associated domain file on your domain you'll need to add the associated domains entitlement to your app. When a user installs your app, iOS attempts to download the associated domain file and verify the domains in your entitlement.

The associated domains entitlement specifies a list of domains that the app is associated with. This entitlement should be added to the Entitlements.plist file in your app. For more information about adding an entitlement on iOS, see Entitlements. For more information about adding an entitlement on Mac Catalyst, see Entitlements.

The entitlement is defined using the key, of type Array of String:


For more information about this entitlement, see Associated domains entitlement on

Alternatively, you can modify your project file (.csproj) to add the entitlement in an <ItemGroup> element:

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'ios' Or $([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'maccatalyst'">

    <!-- For debugging, use '?mode=developer' for debug to bypass apple's CDN cache -->
        Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'"
        Value="" />

    <!-- Non-debugging, use normal applinks:url value -->
        Condition="$(Configuration) != 'Debug'"
        Value="" />


In this example, replace the with the correct value for your domain. Ensure you only include the desired subdomain and the top-level domain. Don't include path and query components or a trailing slash (/).


In iOS 14+ and macOS 11+, apps no longer send requests for apple-app-site-association files directly to your web server. Instead, they send requests to an Apple-managed content delivery network (CDN) dedicated to associated domains.

Add the associated domains capability to your App ID

After adding the associated domains entitlement to your app, you'll need to add the associated domains capability to the App ID for your app in your Apple Developer Account. This is required because any entitlements defined in your app also need to be added as capabilities to the App ID for your app in your Apple Developer Account.

To add the associated domains capability to your App ID:

  1. In a web browser, login to your Apple Developer Account and navigate to the Certificates, IDs & Profiles page.

  2. On the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page, select the Identifiers tab.

  3. On the Identifiers page, select the App ID that corresponds to your app.

  4. On the Edit your App ID Configuration page, enable the Associated Domains capability and then select the Save button:

    Screenshot of enabling the associated domains capability in the Apple Developer Portal.

  5. On the Modify App Capabilities dialog, select the Confirm button.

After updating your app's App ID you'll need to generate and download an updated provisioning profile.


If you later remove the associated domains entitlement from your app, you'll need to update your App ID's configuration in your Apple Developer Account.

When a user activates a universal link, iOS and Mac Catalyst launch your app and send it an NSUserActivity object. This object can be queried to determine how your app launched, and to determine what action to take. This should be performed in the FinishedLaunching and ContinueUserActivity lifecycle delegates. The FinishedLaunching delegate is invoked when the app has launched, and the ContinueUserActivity delegate is invoked when the app is running or suspended. For more information about lifecycle delegates, see Platform lifecycle events.

To respond to an iOS lifecycle delegate being invoked, call the ConfigureLifecycleEvents method on the MauiAppBuilder object in the CreateMauiapp method of your MauiProgram class. Then, on the ILifecycleBuilder object, call the AddiOS method and specify the Action that registers a handler for the required delegate:

using Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace MyNamespace;

public static class MauiProgram
    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
            .ConfigureLifecycleEvents(lifecycle =>
                lifecycle.AddiOS(ios =>
                    // Universal link delivered to FinishedLaunching after app launch.
                    ios.FinishedLaunching((app, data) => HandleAppLink(app.UserActivity));

                    // Universal link delivered to ContinueUserActivity when the app is running or suspended.
                    ios.ContinueUserActivity((app, userActivity, handler) => HandleAppLink(userActivity));

                    // Only required if using Scenes for multi-window support.
                    if (OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(13) || OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalystVersionAtLeast(13))
                        // Universal link delivered to SceneWillConnect after app launch
                        ios.SceneWillConnect((scene, sceneSession, sceneConnectionOptions)
                            => HandleAppLink(sceneConnectionOptions.UserActivities.ToArray()
                                .FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActivityType == Foundation.NSUserActivityType.BrowsingWeb)));

                        // Universal link delivered to SceneContinueUserActivity when the app is running or suspended
                        ios.SceneContinueUserActivity((scene, userActivity) => HandleAppLink(userActivity));


        return builder.Build();

    static bool HandleAppLink(Foundation.NSUserActivity? userActivity)
        if (userActivity is not null && userActivity.ActivityType == Foundation.NSUserActivityType.BrowsingWeb && userActivity.WebPageUrl is not null)
            return true;
        return false;

    static void HandleAppLink(string url)
        if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out var uri))

When iOS opens your app as a result of a universal link, the NSUserActivity object will have an ActivityType property with a value of BrowsingWeb. The activity object's WebPageUrl property will contain the URL that the user wants to access. The URL can be passed to your App class with the SendOnAppLinkRequestReceived method.


If you aren't using Scenes in your app for multi-window support, you can omit the lifecycle handlers for the Scene methods.

In your App class, override the OnAppLinkRequestReceived method to receive and process the URL:

namespace MyNamespace;

public partial class App : Application
    public App()

        MainPage = new AppShell();

    protected override async void OnAppLinkRequestReceived(Uri uri)

        // Show an alert to test that the app link was received.
        await Dispatcher.DispatchAsync(async () =>
            await Windows[0].Page!.DisplayAlert("App link received", uri.ToString(), "OK");

        Console.WriteLine("App link: " + uri.ToString());

In the example above, the OnAppLinkRequestReceived override displays the app link URL. In practice, the app link should take users directly to the content represented by the URL, without any prompts, logins, or other interruptions. Therefore, the OnAppLinkRequestReceived override is the location from which to invoke navigation to the content represented by the URL.


Universal links offer a potential attack vector into your app, so ensure you validate all URL parameters and discard any malformed URLs.

For more information, see Supporting Universal Links in your app on


On iOS, universal links should be tested on a device rather than on a Simulator.

To test a universal link, paste a link into your Notes app and long-press it (on iOS) or control-click it (on macOS) to discover your choices for following the link. Provided that universal links have been correctly configured, the choice to open in app and in Safari will appear. Your choice will set the default behavior on your device when following universal links from this domain. To change this default choice, repeat the steps and make a different choice.


Entering the URL into Safari will never open the app. Instead, Safari will accept this action as direct navigation. Provided that a user is on your domain after navigating there directly, your site will show a banner to open your app.

On iOS, you can test your universal links with the associated domains diagnostic tests in developer settings:

  1. Enable developer mode in Settings. For more information, see Enabling Developer Mode on a device on
  2. In Settings > Developer, scroll to the Universal Links and enable Associated Domains Development.
  3. Open Diagnostics and type in your URL. You'll then receive feedback on whether the link is valid for an installed app.

Often, invalid universal links are a result of your applinks being incorrectly configured.

For troubleshooting advice, see Debugging universal links on